A través del Recluta

Zelmira Frers.

Edition number: 1

ISBN 978-987-88-0402-6
Format: 24.5 x 31 cm Book.
Binding: Hardcover.
Pages: 258.

$ 54.000

Edition: English (Spanish edition sold out)
Availability: In stock

Conceived as a documentary, A través del Recluta transforms into a book of great historical and aesthetic value, constructed as a piece of art.

It is the first photography book by Zelmira Frers. It consists of 200 pages of photographs and dialogues of profound beauty, capturing for the first time the intimacy of the creative process of the iconic Germán Frers and his team of nautical craftsmen. It represents the evolution of a nautical epic that culminates in the construction of a boat.

It is a project that brings together a family over many years and a common legacy. Zelmira Frers' photographs and texts about her grandfather's design development are combined with documents and historical chronicles about the fate of the first Recluta model. A través del Recluta is a piece of immense beauty and sensitivity. It is a story that spans three generations and brings together the creative and aesthetic work of the Frers family. Its pages, printed on special paper, are a delight for those who love nautical, history, design, art, and architecture. Zelmira intended to create a book that would also pique the curiosity of children and young people and serve as a gateway to a world that is not always visible: that of classic boats, woodworking, and the unique rhythm of the craft.

The construction of a boat designed in 1942, which endures thanks to the preservation of a blueprint and the survival of the shipbuilding craft, is the culmination of a creative impulse and the inherited knowledge from a golden era of the Argentine naval industry. It highlights the importance and virtue of knowledge transmission across generations.

The knowledge of a craft manifests, in some way, a language, a unique idiom, and it is through the diversity of languages that our culture enriches itself. This book seeks to rescue that language and recognize the value of the work done and those who have participated in the entire process. "A través del Recluta" also seeks to transcend as a tribute and testimony.
Este libro busca rescatar ese lenguaje y reconocer el valor del trabajo realizado y de quienes han participado de todo el proceso. A través del Recluta buscará trascender también, como homenaje y como testimonio.